Experts and diseases
The crucial question is: What effects do your positive and negative expectations have on the success of a treatment? Here, you can read about the diseases for which there is well-documented research evidence that treatment expectations have a significant influence on the course of treatment, its success, and on side effects.
And we’d also like to introduce ourselves personally: The team members from the Collaborative Research Centre "Treatment Expectation" generally work both in the clinic and in research. Get to know us better and be amazed by our scientific findings. Please write to us, if you have any further questions.
In our video series "In a nutshell", we ask experts how expectations are related to their research on specific diseases.
Prof. Winfried Rief from the University of Marburg explains how depression is related to expectations, what he is currently working on, and what people with depression can do in order to feel better.
Dr Wiebke Sondermann from the University Hospital Essen on how psoriasis is related to expectations, what she is currently working on, and what people with psoriasis can do to in order to improve their expectations.
Dr. Jana Aulenkamp from the University Hospital Essen explains how pain after an operation is related to expectations, what she is currently working on and what people with post-operative pain can do to feel better.
Prof. Dr. Sigrid Elsenbruch from Ruhr University Bochum and the University Hospital Essen explains how irritable bowel syndrome is linked to expectations, what she is currently working on and what people with irritable bowel syndrome can do to feel better.
Some team members from the Collaborative Research Centre introduce themselves to you in more detail.